What is STREAM?
STREAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, and Math. As a Catholic school, our mission is to educate the whole child. Lincoln International Academy considers the “R” (religion) in STREAM the most important letter. Not only will students continue to learn and develop in the Catholic tradition by participating in religion class, attending Mass, and celebrating the sacraments, but the STREAM program will allow the Catholic identity to manifest in the curriculum in new ways.
Scientific study is the foundation for the way we learn about our world.
Technology provides students with tools to gather, organize, transform, format and transmit information into usable knowledge and provides products that are measurable evidence of learning.
Religion is the lens through which we view the world. This Catholic worldview lays the foundation of truth
Engineering provides the platform for students to solve authentic problems by applying knowledge, analyzing data, evaluating results, and creating solutions.
Arts provide students avenues for the expression and communication of ideas. The material presented in these classes allows our student to analyze and evaluate the human experiences throughout time.
Mathematics provides the students with instruments to solve real-world problems.
STREAM is also a visual description of flowing water. In the classroom or classroom environment STREAM is the flow of ideas over and across several subject areas. Equally important is the fact that the success of the STREAM program at any school or school environment will require a constant flow of communication, collaboration, and planning among all areas.
STREAM is a framework for creative instruction. STREAM uses technology to advance the experience.
How does STREAM work?
STREAM is not a new curriculum, nor is it a specific subject but a creative method of teaching a concept across a variety of subjects.
For example, the sixth grade might study ancient Greece; in advance of the segment, teachers will meet and collaborate. Then, students might learn about the history and architecture of Greece in Social Studies, discuss and make models of Greek columns in Art class, or discuss and plan a mini-Olympics in gym class. For students, this means the concepts are learned and reinforced across the curriculum rather than in just one subject.
In what grade will STREAM teaching be introduced?
STREAM will be taught across the curriculum from Pre K through 12th grade.