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Online Textbooks

We provide all of our students FREE online access to their textbooks.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt™ is dedicated to providing educators with options for integrating digital content into the classroom. They deliver award-winning, proven content to our Pre-K–12 students any way you want to receive it, with options that are flexible, accessible, comprehensive, and engaging. 

Students receive their username and passwords in the first couple of weeks of school. If you have any problems accessing your account, please contact your principal.

Please use the links below in order to access the different e-book platforms.

Select Below to
Access Your

English Language Arts K-5th

Science K-5th

Math Arts K-6th

Social Studies K-5th

Address: Las Colinas Sur, Managua, Nicaragua.

Phone: +505-2276-3000                   US Phone: +1-(786) 467-8457                    E-mail:

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